Tuesday 6 September 2011

Assignment One - I Should Never Of Purchased

A while back from now I purchased a brand new 32inch LED Samsung TV, at a cost of over £100, which was extremely thin and had a clear edges round the sides. Its function wasn't designed fully as within three days the TV decided to break whilst it was turned on. One moment it was working the next it was broken. Although the light that projects a green light when turned on was still on the actual screen was black.

The form of the TV was rectangle and was probably made from ABS as it needs to be durable, have a good strength to weight ratio and it must be non-toxic. The plastic had a shiny black finish.

Before it broke the function was great with built in freeview, an easy to read and understand guide and fantastic quality TV. The freeview was a brilliant extra as a few months before my area changed from Analogue to Digital so it meant we didn't have to buy a digital box

The fact that it was LED meant that Samsung were able to design it to be thinner that old style TVs.

A possible cause of the fault might be due to heavy usage of a TV by a family of 5 including 1 child and 2 teenagers. However the TV showed no fault in the first two days of use.

Despite the fact it had broken within three days of purchase I decided to claim it on the guarantee and I quickly received a new TV which still works today.

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